Friday, April 6, 2007

Tip of the Day: Shh! Don't Neglect the Library

I've been doing a lot of research lately and have come to realize just how important and useful the public library can be. Where else do you get a free and helpful service these days? In some cases the librarian's knowledge itself is worth the visit. Whether you need to learn how to write a business plan or are just looking for inspiration, the library is one of your greatest and cheapest assets.

Perhaps its because we grow to loathe them in college after spending long nights doing research for papers or cramming for tests, but we tend to neglect them as a valuable resource once we leave school.

For a budding or contemplating entrepreneur, the library can save valuable dollars and prevent an onslaught of restraining orders from the employees at Barnes and Noble.

If you haven't been there in a while, libraries are catching up with the information age. Unless it is a newly published business book you're looking for, the library is likely to have books with the information you need. We all know most of today's business books are just rehashing yesterday's ideas anyway.

So if you're looking to commit the ultimate act of bootstrapping, get a library card.

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